Turkey season is only a few weeks away. We have had lots of moisture this winter so it will be an interesting year. I am an avid turkey hunter but by no means an expert. I have learned lots from some seasoned veterans and it has improved my success in the field when it comes to consistently calling in birds. The products listed below have improved my odds when it comes to locating and calling in gobblers.

Turkey vest, face mask, decoy, box calls, slate call, diaphram calls, locator calls, map and mapping GPS are all essential gear in my book.

Box calls like the
Woodhaven Real Hen and Lynch's Fool Proof produce very realistic turkey sounds. Remember to keep a rubber band or Velcro around your calls so they don't' make any noise in your vest. It is also very important to keep plenty of chalk on your call.

I like the diaphram calls like these from
Primos. Diaphrams are harder to master but give a very realistic sound. I like to use the diaphram calls if the gobbler is gobbling but not getting closer. Lots of times this call will get the gobbler to commit when no other call is working. If you are hunting by yourself the diaphram is great because it does not require you to use your hands. If everything comes together this call is usually the last call a gobbler hears!

The slate is a softer call that sounds very good in close. I like using the slate when birds are in close and for making soft yelps, clucks, purrs and tree calls. I use the slate to softly call to birds on the roost in the morning.

Locator calls include the owl hooter, coyote howler, crow call and screaming peacock. I use the owl hooter and the coyote howler the most.

These strikers from Primos have a mushroom shaped head and will dramatically improve your calling. Different strikers will give your calls a different sound.

The Primos Power Crystal sounds very good and is a high volume call. I use the Power Crystal and the box calls when I am moving around trying to locate a gobbler after the sun is up. Both the Power Crystal and the box call carry a long ways and are great for locating birds when it is windy.

A mapping GPS is a very critical tool to roosting birds. If I can roost a bird in the evening I like to try and pin point the tree or group of trees the gobbler is in and mark it with my mapping GPS. I use the GPS to slip in close to the roost tree the next morning in the dark. It is way better to be early than late in the mornings.
Good luck this spring to all the turkey hunters!
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