Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Steele Armstrong's Big AZ Coues Deer
This is a great buck that was harvested by Steele Armstrong with AZ Ground Pounders Guide Service, Luke Weisser and Cash Armstrong. Awesome Coues buck for sure. Great job guys. More pics to come soon. Rough Score is 118 gross!
coues deer hunting
Sneek Freak TV-Elk Video
2010 AZ Elk from Jed Larson on Vimeo.
Check out his great clip of video from friends of jayscottoutdoors, Jed Larson and Shane Koury
elk hunting
Monday, October 25, 2010
Josh White's 130 AZ Coues Deer
Here is Josh White's incredible story of the hunt, "
I glassed them up by myself at 1 pm on the second day of the hunt. I couldn't get a hold of Daniel and Jeremy as they were about a mile away. I decided to take the 600 yard shot. I missed the first one but hit right through both shoulders on the second shot. As I watched my buck lay on the ground I spotted another deer feeding just ten yards away from my deer. I could tell this was a great buck too. I immediately ran to go find Daniel and my brother Jeremy. We got back to my glassing spot about an hour and 15 minutes after I had shot mine. Another 15 minutes of glassing and I glassed up Daniel's buck feeding about 30 yards from my deer. Daniel lied down with my 26-06 and whacked the deer through both shoulders at about 625 yards. We both couldn't be happier with these bucks. Mine scores right at 130 and Daniel's goes 98 both unofficial." CONGRATS JOSH THOSE ARE TWO GREAT BUCKS!
coues deer hunting
Sunday, October 24, 2010
2010 Coues Deer Pics
Scott "Scooter" Maxwell with his 2010 Coues Buck! Sorry I missed it Scooter I am sure it was a fun time!
Scooter and Mark Tenney with their bucks. Good shooting guys!
Scooter and Mark Tenney with their bucks. Good shooting guys!
Got this text saying, "Josh White Big Buck 130" Fantastic job Josh!
My friends the Melde brothers have done it again! Jason Melde hammered a 124 inch pig of a buck! Jason has shot some giant coues deer over the years. Way to go and great story also!
coues deer hunting
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Field Judging Elk-Western Hunter Magazine
Here is an article that I wrote in my Game Trails column for Western Hunter Magazine. Double Click on picture to enlarge in order to read. Click here to see all field judging elk articles on JayScottOutdoors
Big Colorado Bull
I have received this pic in several emails. I don't know the hunter or the story. Caption says, "Shot here in Colorado . Private land (no fence). 459 gross net. " It is a sweet bull but I have my doubts as too no fence and the score. Who knows? Cool bull though. I think someone is confused or typed a 4 instead of a 3......What is gross net anyways.....
misc outdoors stuff
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Elk Hunting with Wilderness Athlete
Chad and I used the Wilderness Athlete products throughout the entire elk hunt. Products we used were the performance bars, energy gels, Hydrate and Recover drink, and the meal replacement recovery shakes. I suggest you try some on your upcoming hunts.
elk hunting,
Wilderness Athlete
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Adam Melde's Archery Bull Field Photos
Adam and his brother Dr. Jason Melde with Adam's first archery elk. It is a real cool heavy bull. Congrats to Adam. Adam was helped by his brothers Jason and Dave as well as his mom and dad. Great to see the family getting into the whole hunt! Congrats
elk hunting
Casey Brooks Canadian Moose
Here is good friend of jayscottoutdoors, Casey Brooks, from Washington with his great looking Canadian Moose that he harvested in Newfoundland. Casey is a member of Hoyt's Bowhunting Pro Staff and hunts exclusively with a Hoyt bow and only has four more animals to go for the prestigous North American 28 with his bow. Casey has by far the biggest bull elk collection of any one person with a bow. He has harvested many bulls over 400 and a few over 430 inches. He has something like 54 elk with a bow and arrow! Nice job Casey!
Below is one of Casey's bulls that he arrowed this year.
Below is one of Casey's bulls that he arrowed this year.
misc outdoors stuff
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Olivia Porter's AZ Mule Deer
Check out this giant buck that was harvested on the youth hunt! Olivia Porter killed him this morning with the help of her brother Spencer Porter. He scores right at 212". Spencer Porter along with Daniel Franco (Burnt Timber Outfitters) are long time friends of ours here at Jay Scott Outdoors. Congrats on such a fine trophy!
mule deer hunting
Friday, October 8, 2010
Elk Heaven
I hope heaven looks and sounds like this place in September! I am not sure how they did this year on the WMAT but I hope they did well. I have some good friends that live in the elk mecca and I will try to get a report on how their season was. Here is my guesstimate on the score of the bull that Darr Colburn filmed on the last post. L-16,15,19,22,16,57,30=175 R-16,16,18,22,17,57,30=176 + 40 spread=391 gross (guesstimate)
elk hunting,
Jay Scott
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Guess the Score on this Giant Bull
Darr Colburn captured this great video this year just before the archery hunt. What does he score?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Elk Bugling Frenzy with a touch of Estrus Scream Video
This audio is pretty good for those of us who like to hear the "magic" cow sound. You need to listen real close to hear. One thing that this video does not show is how many bulls came running to this cow. It took me fifteen minutes to get to the girl to try and capture some of her sounds on video. I followed these elk for over an hour in the dark. In the dark she was going crazy and the bulls went crazy. I hope you enjoy. By the way, if you mimic her sound next year you will get run over....I promise! Steve Chappell is the best I have ever heard duplicating this sound.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Jerry Cook Archery Bull
Jerry Cook and I hunted hard for 11 days. We shared lots of laughs and walked many miles together. Jerry was fun to hunt with and a great guy. More pics and videos to come.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Randy Ulmer's Big Bucks and Bulls
Friend of, Randy Ulmer, sent these photos of his latest trophies that have been harvested in the fall of 2010. His youngest son Levi, whom I call the "tackdriver" also harvested another fantastic bull. Here is what Randy had to say about his fall,
"Shawn and Cory Lytle each helped me at different times on my Nevada buck. I found the buck on the 9th day of the hunt and Shawn came and helped me get him killed.
My nephew Zach helped me on my Colorado deer. We had a lot of competition on that hunt, but were finally able to get the buck we were after. The picture is of Zach packing him out.
Zach also helped me on the other deer hunt. He spotted the deer before sunrise one morning moving into a juniper finger and then lost him right away as he went behind the trees. We repositioned to try to find him again and Zach found him bedded in the P-Js with just his nose and main beam sticking out. I slipped into position and waited for him to stand up, which he did at noon and I arrowed him.
Corey Kasun, Bobby McFadden and Blake Chapman, each helped me at different times during my AZ elk hunt. I found this bull with about 30 cows late in the evening with just 3 days left in the hunt. I crawled in amongst his cows and got him when he chased a smaller bull by me. He had about 8 inches broken off his 4th point, but even with the break, he just missed 400 by a few inches."
I had fantastic help on each of these animals by some very good guys and I appreciate their help immensely!

Holy smokes that is a lot of bone! Congrats to the entire Ulmer family!
elk hunting,
Randy Ulmer Tips
Corey Whinnery CO Bull Elk
Here are some pictures of Corey Whinnery, the oldest son of Carla and Steve Whinnery, and his bull elk in Colorado. Corey is a fantastic rifleman already and made a great 400 yard one shot kill. Steve was able to sneak up on this bull moose while scouting this season. Payson Whinnery is also pictured with his Dad and brother.
elk hunting
Dan Agnew's Big Bulls
This bull gross scores 428!
Dan's 2010 Washington bull killed in the Blue Mountains on 9/20 (the day after archery season). The bull is a 6 x 7 with an estimated gross score of 428 and estimated net score of 409. Main beams are 59 and 57 inches and inside spread is 44 inches.
elk hunting
Friday, October 1, 2010
Burnt Timber Outfitters Strikes Again!
Check out the great season that friends of, Daniel Franco and Mike Hancock, who are owners and operators of Burnt Timber Outfitters based out of Heber, Arizona had on their elk hunts
This is the 1st elk that Ben Tenney has taken and also the first animal he has taken with a bow. Congrats to Ben on his accomplishment. After getting between this bull and his cows, Ben's nerves got the best of him as his first shot was slightly far back. The bull only went a few hundred yards and bedded. After watching him for 3 1/2 hours, I decided we needed to get another arrow in him. A 200 yard stalk was put into motion and 1 hour later we were finally into shooting position. Ben redeemed himself by threading his next shot through a 3" opening at 35 yards. Ben's bull gross scored 348 4/8" and will net over 343".
Pictured below and above:Ed Houston has always dreamed of killing a big bull. After watching this beast for a few days, I knew Ed was about to get his wish. The day before the rifle season opened, I sat on this bull most of the morning and returned that evening to keep tabs on him and his 13 cows. The next morning we returned and began our walk before light. Just as the sun began to crest, I glassed 1 of his cows feeding in the same spot I had watched them the night before. 40 minutes later, we moved in and waited for the bull and his harem to make a mistake. Mike spotted the bull making his way towards us. Suddenly some cows appeared and began to feed. As if on cue, the bull appeared and began pushing his cows. Ed fired two good shots from his 30-06 and the bull was down.
Eds gorgeous bull gross scored 380" as a straight six point and is missing 3-4" on his right G2. His long beam is 57", 20+" G4s, 19" G3 on his right, and a giant 24 1/2" G2 on his left side. Needless to say, Eds dream bull is going back to Texas with him.

This is Larry Friedman from Yreka, CA. Larry shot this bull on the 5th morning and was the 46th mature bull we had seen. After chasing this bull for an hour that morning we finally were able to get him alone. We moved in and set-up with Mike and Larry tucked into a cedar tree and I moved back 60 yards and started calling. After a few calls the bull appeared and walked right into our set-up. Larry released a fatal arrow at just 7 yards.
With 54" main beams, 17" average eyeguards, and 20" & 24" G3s, Larry's bull gross scored 367 2/8".
Josh Haelbig was lucky to draw a rifle tag with only 4 points. After 3 days of hunting, and looking over 40+ bulls, Josh finally saw the bull he wanted. Josh made it happen at 306 yards with his 7MM WSM. Congrats to Josh, BTO guide Devin Hancock, and friend Cutter Perkins on a beautiful bull. 16" average tine length, 26" of mass, and 50" main beams help Josh's bull gross score 347 3/8".
To reach Burnt Timber Outfitters call:
Daniel Franco 928-521-2248
Mike Hancock 928-243-8420
elk hunting
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