Sunday, January 29, 2012

Parker's Javelina Hunt

My oldest son Parker just turned 10 years old a few weeks ago and is now old enough to hunt big game in Arizona.  He took his hunter education class last summer.  Yesterday morning Parker and I met Jay for breakfast before we headed out to look for some pigs.  Our good friend Glen Hall told us about a spot where he had seen some pigs a couple of weeks ago so that is where we headed first.  We climbed up a little hill and glassed for a couple of hours.  We saw lots of deer but no pigs.  The wind was blowing pretty hard and it was still pretty cold.  Finally the sun started to warm things up and Jay whispered "Darr I got pigs"!  Parker and I gathered up our stuff and drove around to the mesa where the pigs were.  Parker took his bow and rifle on the stalk.  We eased up to the top of the mesa and peaked over a rock rim.  The pigs were 50 yards below and moving towards a little cut that came up onto the mesa.  We backed up and moved over to the cut.  I peaked over the rim again and the pigs were 24 yards.  I told Parker the range and told him to put his 20 yard pin at the top of the pigs back. 
The pig turned broadside and Parker drew his bow.  The wind started gusting and I could see Parker's bow moving all over.  He held at full draw until the wind settled down and then took the shot.  The arrow sailed an inch over the pigs back and he ran closer to us.  The pig was standing behind a rock at 10 yards.  I handed Parker the rifle and the pig stepped out.  Parker made a perfect shot and had his first big game animal.  Parker was so excited and so was I!  Jay came over and joined us for some pictures.  Jay was able to get the shot on video.  We shared a lot of laughs and Parker told the story over and over again on the way home.  I had so much fun on this hunt and seeing my son so excited about hunting is what it is all about.  Hopefully we will get to do it all over again in a few years when my youngest son Paul is 10.  Take a kid hunting or fishing!


Dick and Lou Ann King said...

Congratulations, that looks like one "big" pig. Great way to start your hunting career!

AZWanderings said...

Very cool Darr and a big congrats to Parker. That's a big old pig too. Very nice and thanks for sharing.


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